Schlussel Device 1

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This guard is named the Key since all other elements and stances can be broken from this stance just as well as that which can happen from others where you will actually need more force to do so than in this one, and since a key is a small instrument which, without particular effort or force, can enter a big strong castle where otherwise a man must use great force, thus from this weak stance (as it may seem) all other elements will be broken artfully and delicately without special effort, and basically that’s the story.

In the pre-fencing put yourself in this guard and, even as how to fence in such forms as the Unicorn was told before, it stands against your opponent’s guards, left or right, high or low, thus stab to him from the Key before yourself directly to his face into the Long Point, the stab of which he (if he doesn’t want to be hit) must defend from. On whichever side he then hits out from, then let your blade then swipe away with intent as he hits out to it, drive over your head and strike him to the same side that he struck out from, if he swipes after it, then don’t let it hit, but let it fly off to another opening, and strike away from him as he seeks for another opening.

What the Device Teaches Us

  • Thrusting in the onset (Zufechten) to draw his reaction
  • Deceiving using failing attacks (Fehlen)
  • Cutting to the openings while withdrawing (Abzug)

Interpretation [DP Working notes]

Meister Lerhling
Waiting in Vom tag, left leg forward Waiting in Schlussel, left leg forward
Thrust to Langort at his face.
Passing Step back, Zornhauw to parry Fall aside with the Fehlen deception
Cut around to the other side with a Zornhauw and a Gathering Step
Step away and strike with a Zwerch or Oberhauw to withdraw
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