Vom Tag Device 6

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Breaking the Roof Stance or Guard

If you are aware that after striking outward one can, in a little flight up over the head, stay in the Guard of the Roof, then come in the pre-fencing into the Guard of the Key, from there raise both hands thus crosswise over your head, and at the same time step to him with your right foot, and while stepping strike with the short edge near your right thigh strongly from below through your opponent’s Vertex line up above you, so that the sword is above your head, flying off with an upstrike from your left to your right, keep your hands high in the displacement, just as it connects then step nimbly with your right foot to his left and strike with the short edge in a swing to his left ear. From there upstrike twice with a walk, follow the slash with a traverse to his right ear, and just then step at the same time with your right foot backward to your left, thus the Traverse goes deeper. When this happens you can strike as soon as he does.

What the Device Teaches Us

  • Threatening from Schlussel
  • Striking to the openings

Interpretation [DP Working notes]

Meister Lerhling
Vom tag, left leg forward Schlussel, left leg forward
Passing Step Unter Zwerch to lower left high opening
Edge Parry with a step back Passing StepUnterhauw to lower right high opening
Edge Parry with a step back Zwerch to upper left opening, passing step forward right.
Parry Passing Step Unterhauw to lower right high opening
Edge Parry with a step back Passing StepUnterhauw to lower left high opening
Parry Zwerch to upper right opening, step right foot back
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