Hangetort Device 1

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In the pre-fencing strike forcefully from your left above you through toward his face in a sweep, once, twice, and the third time don’t let your sword swing out before your face but twist it into the Hanging Point, as shown on the right hand side of figure F [large figure] and as taught before, and do this a number of times until you see your opportunity to attack with an element, but if your opponent strikes to you during this (while you stand thus in the Hanging Point) from above, or high traverse, or from below to your fingers, or against your head on the left, then step soon out to your left with the left foot behind the right, and twitch at the same time as he strikes, your sword thus hangs from above you against your right shoulder, from here step and strike at the same time as him left to his head, pull the pommel hard to your inward arm in this strike onto the flat, then swing your blade on forcefully to his head. hold your pommel thus hard on your arm and wrench thus out above you with outstretched blade to your left, let this wrench thus fly over your head and traverse strike strong to his left.

1920px-Meyer 1570 Longsword F (Small).jpg

What the Device Teaches Us

Interpretation [DP Working notes]

Meister Lerhling
Waiting in Vom tag, left leg forward Waiting in Wechsel, right leg forward
Gathering Step forward, slash up through to longpoint from below with the false edge, and come back around to Wechsel
Gathering Step backward Gathering Step forward, slash up through to longpoint from below with the false edge, and come back around to Wechsel
Gathering Step backward Gathering Step forward, slash up through to longpoint, let the tip fall down to the right into hanging point
Passing Step forward with the right, Oberhauw Triangle Step right in an evasion, bring the point through past the right shoulder and cast over a cut at the left side of his head with a hard push-pull of the haft so the pommel comes flat against your arm in a flick forward.
Parry high with an ochs, einhorn, or even kron Wrench out to the upper left Außreissen
Cut around with a zwerch to his left ear.
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