Einhorn Device 3

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Or when you thus come to be in the Unicorn in front of your opponent, then mark Just As he strikes from above to let your blade drive over your head and bind on his sword from your right high traversing to your left and, as soon as he goes off above from this, then let your blade snap over again so that your right hand comes over your left and fall forward to his arms with the short edge and crossed hands while he is still driving off, as is shown by the outermost figures on the right hand of illustration I, then thrust away forcefully out from your left side with your hilt and strike nimbly when he shows his next opening, or follow after him until you can have your advantage.

1920px-Meyer 1570 Longsword I (Small).jpg

What the Device Teaches Us

  • Striking in the onset (Zufechten) to control the flow of the fight
  • Using Einhorn to create a false opening to deceive (Verfuhren) the opponent into an attack
  • From the bind (Anbinden) remaining (Bleiben) and then pursuing blocking (Verstullen) their arms
  • Cutting over while withdrawing (Abzug)

Interpretation [DP Working Notes]

Meister Lerhling
Waiting in Vom tag, left leg forward Waiting in Nebenhut, left leg forward
Gathering Step forward, slash up through to longpoint from below with the false edge, and come back around to Nebenhut
Gathering Step backward Gathering Step forward, slash up through to longpoint from below with the false edge, and come back around to Nebenhut
Gathering Step backward Gathering Step forward, slash up through to longpoint
In the slashing turn straight up to Einhorn on the right.
Cut over and around into Unterhauw from the right
Cut over and around into Unterhauw from the left, coming back into Einhorn
With the blade well offline lift the left foot and fake a step with it (doing a Gavin stamp), creating an obvious high left opening.

The section above forms the standard "entry" to the Einhorn devices, which is repeated in all of them, the device then continues...

Meister Lerhling
Zornhauw to upper left opening with a Passing Step Zornhauw from Einhorn to their cut to parry it
Lift to Vom tag to cut to another opening... Zwerch around with a Kneichelhauw before he can cut (as per illustration I)
Wrench the arms out to the left with the crossguard (Außreissen )
Passing Step back, withdraw with a long edge cut (Oberhauw) to the high opening.

Interpretation [JM Working notes]

From the standard entry

Meister Lerhling
Zornhauw to upper left opening with a Passing Step Cut around your head to your left, binding on your long edge
Cut a Zwerch around to his right opening Drive your pommel under your arm, falling in with your long edge on his arms
Wrench his arms out to your left and cut around to the nearest opening
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