Scholar Victoria Syllabus Wiki

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Techniques and Terminology

This section contains a breakdown and interpretation of techniques from the 1570 and 1568 texts. This covers all five of the core weapon groups used in Meyer's system, as well as a set of core principles which include footwork, fencing principles and concepts, and other fundamentals.

Fundamental Knowledge




Dagger and Wrestling



Meyer Free Scholars use a simple knowledge based level system which provides students with a known base-level of knowledge they are expected to learn. This helps students understand exactly what they are doing and how it fits into the wider fighting style, provides goals to work toward, and gives new students an indication of whom they can ask for help. It should be noted that these ranks are a description of knowledge, not of fighting skill!

While the Meyer Free Scholars’ syllabus is intended to comprise a combative martial art which provides a link to the past, it also encourages appropriately experienced students to compete in a friendly tournaments to test their skills in a “live” way. This directly mirrors the “fechtshule” tradition common in Germany in the 15th and 16th century, where the various fencing guilds could test their skills against one another.

The MFS syllabus is comprised of a mandatory core set of primary proficiencies in longsword and wrestling techniques associated with this art, as well as secondary proficiencies in other weapons & skills according to the interests of the student as they progress in experience and ability.

The syllabus is arranged into a set of levels, each building on the knowledge gained in the prior level. These levels are arranged as follows:






General Drills

Longsword Drills

Dussack Drills

Rappier Drills

Dagger and Wrestling Drills

Polearm Drills

Other Arts Unrelated to Meyer

Hutton Sabre

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