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Chasing After

15th Century

Nachreisen is usually described as chasing or travelling after, and as the name suggests it is a movement which follows after a movement of our opponent. Lew gives an excellent description of when we should use it when he says:

"Travelings [...] pertain to driving with great prudence against the fencers that fence from free long hews, and otherwise do not hold the right Art of the Sword..."

Travelling after is best deployed against fencers who cut past their target and provide no pending threat at the end of the cut with edge or point, especially those who don't have distance and timing.

Application Examples

Application 1 - Voiding

This Nachreisen begins in the Zufechten.

Teacher Student
Vom tag, left leg forward Vom tag, left leg forward
Cut an Oberhau all the way through the target down into Alber Void the blow with a slight movement back (or a step if necessary)
Cut back in with to his right side, Springing forward with the right foot.

Notice we are cutting to the right opening with a springing of the right foot. This is a movement specific to Lew, other authors simply say cut to the head. In any case the exact cut we should be using is unspecified, though a simple Oberhau is easy enough (though other cuts can be used, even such cuts as a Krumphau. The exact cut you use depends greatly on context, and the particular interpretation/style you prefer.

Application 2 - äussere mÿnn

The äussere mÿnn (outside intent/conduct) is a follow up to the earlier Nachreisen. In this case we have attacked with Application 1 and the opponent has lifted up their own sword to parry - we now travel after the new opening with a Zwerchau etc.

Teacher Student
Vom tag, left leg forward Vom tag, left leg forward
Perform Application 1 Perform Application 1 to completion
Lift up the sword to parry the incoming stroke Remain strong on the sword, as they lift upward spring with the left foot behind his right and cut a Zwerchau to the right side of his head.
Duplieren behind the blade with a second cut (optionally use other techniques to withdraw)

16th Century

The broad principles of Nachreisen in Meyers text seem to encompass the principles of both the Nachreisen and the Vier Ansetzen from 15th century sources. The idea is that each time the opponent moves to attack from another guard position, they open themselves to attacks in the area from which they have departed, whether they be acting in preparation, or cutting through.

For example, if an opponent stands in a lower guard and lifts to Tag, we should chase after their movement with a cut to the lower opening and preempt their strike. In this way the principle is similar to the Vier Ansetzen in the earlier texts.

Likewise if the opponent cuts down from above all the way to Wechsel, we avoid the stroke and cut in from above to the newly vacated opening. This closely resembles the Nachreisen described in the 15th century sources.

Application Examples

See Kniechelhauw Application

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