Long edge parry set

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In which the 'student' demonstrates their knowledge to the 'teacher' of various parries inspired by the devices against attacks at various openings.

Note that the cut sequence oberhauw/zwerch/mittelhauw/unterhauw is carried through all of the parrying sets, however variations on each of the parries can be performed against other cuts (the "response to an oberhauw" for example, can equally be used against a zornhauw or other attack). These movements aren't intended to be used "as is" in free-play, but rather teach body movement and important sword handling principles.


1. Response to an Oberhauw

A straight parrying against an oberhauw, this is intended to provide a general high cover, as well as demonstrate the following handworks:

Meister Lehrling
Vom tag, left leg forward Pflug, left leg forward
Passing Step Oberhauw Passing Step back parry in Gerade versetzung and allow the blade to flow off (Ablauffen)
Fall through to Alber Passing Step forward left and cut around (Umbschlagen) with a Zornhauw from to their upper right opening.

2. Response to a Zwerch

A long edge parry against an zwerch, this is intended to provide a general high cover, as well as demonstrate the following handworks:

Meister Lehrling
Vom tag, left leg forward Pflug, left leg forward
Passing Step Zwerch Either Passing Step back, or remain stationary, and Gerade versetzung parry.
Take away to cut around to the other side. As soon as you feel (Fulen) the blade taken away, triangle step with the right leg deeply to your left, chase after (Nachreissen) with a tight unterhauw/kniechelhauw under to their lower right opening or under their arms, while keeping your hilt high to parry their oncoming blade. Note, if the defence was made with a passing step back, an additional passing/side step may be required to achieve correct distance.

3. Response to a Mittelhauw

A long edge parry against a Mittelhauw, this is intended to provide a side cover, as well as demonstrate the following handworks:

Meister Lehrling
Zornhut, left leg forward Pflug, left leg forward
Passing Step Mittelhauw Passing Step back Gerade versetzung parry
Thumb the blade and turn the false edge toward them, sliding down their blade with your flat for a Glutzhauw type motion in a Gathering Step.
Lift hands so the point is to the low right in a hanging so their blow slides off to the side (usually one would begin to 'roll over' their arms for an Umbschnappen style movement here). As they raise their hands lift your own to the high right and step to their left so you slice up (schneiden) under their arms and counter their attack.

4. Response to an Unterhauw

A long edge parry against an unterhauw, this is intended to provide a low cover, as well as demonstrate the following handworks:

Meister Lehrling
Nebenhut, left leg forward Pflug, left leg forward
Passing Step Unterhauw to lower opening Passing Step backPflug parry.
Wind the hands low left (Winden), slice/thrust to the face.
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